- When children think of pitch, they do not understand the difference of pitch being “high” and “low”.
- They may relate this comparison to volume or visual aspects.
- Naturally, the students can:
- Discriminate when pitches, melodies, or phrases are similar or different.
- Recognize the “shape” of the melody (visual representation).
- Students then develop the ability to focus on:
- Pitch register, pitch direction, and pitch motion.
- Interval sizes- larger or smaller leaps?
- As their musical development progresses, the students become able to identify tonality, melodic phrases, and scales.
Percept & Concept
Teacher Actions
Less than 6 months
responds to differences in pitch
sing w/ words, neutral syllables, imitate sounds
6-18 months
recognizes differences between pitch contour, intervals and ends of phrases
sing simple/nursery songs that the children would know and play recorded music
18 months- 4 years
uses contour/rhythm to recognize and replicate familiar material
begin to extend vocal range, use keyboards or bodily movement to show contour and phrase
4-8 years
beings to recognize pitch and melody as high/low and upward/downward, becomes aware of intervals and tonality
encourage singing/body movement/computer programs for pitch and contour, incorporate musical vocab
8-12 years
can recognize steps, leaps, repeated tones, melodic sequences, and upward/downward patterns
use singing, instruments, and body movement to strengthen understanding and use notation for contours and patterns
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